Just Call Lisa — a blog
“Life is leisurely journey of discovery.”
Navigating Your Mental Health Journey with Expert Medication Management: Meet Lisa Sharf, NP
When it comes to mental health care, finding the right balance between therapy and medication can be the key to long-term healing and well-being. For many, navigating this journey requires a trusted professional who not only understands the complexities of mental health but also the importance of tailored, ongoing care.
Don't Be Ashamed to Seek Help When Depression Hits
If you’ve been feeling exhausted, stuck, hopeless, or even confused, you are not alone, but it may be time to reach out.
How Telemedicine Helps Patients and Mental Health Professionals
Due to the isolation brought about by this unprecedented pandemic, many are now struggling with depression and anxiety that is limiting their ability to function properly in their daily lives.
Living Through Turbulent Times
It is hard to imagine yourself back in the 1960’s-70’s, “Civil Rights Movement,” reading your local paper, and watching network news.
How Do We Find Ourselves, When We Feel Emotionally Depleted?
It is often said that as first responders, we offer something unique to those in trouble, ourselves!
Self Awareness and Self Acceptance A Way to A Better Life!
Acceptance and awareness of who we are and where we are on a daily basis is truly the key! Knowing what our we have value, and determining our own self worth is of key importance.
Do you have toxic people in your life?
The symptoms of having toxicity in one’s life are similar to being a child from a dysfunctional family. Do you dread going to work because your supervisor is constantly yelling or criticizing you and everyone around you?
Crisis of the Soul
Have You Lost Your Way?
Is that how we describe Mental Illness, or should we describe Serial Killers as those with A “Crisis of the Soul- or possibly soul-less?
Can I discover a comfortable place?
Why do you find yourself searching for a place where you can feel absolutely at peace? Have you noticed that your days are filled with activity after activity, or going from one task to another until you feel so exhausted or worn out?
The sky is a beautiful blue and the sun is shining. I take a moment to take in a deep breath and observe this glorious morning.
Climate change on a really hot summer!
The debate goes on possibly depending on your political view. Do you ever get tired of all the pundits?
Life is a series of lessons
When we begin our life’s journey, do we have any idea how it may go?
A tribute to those who’ve left us too early!
There are times in our lives when we may feel ultimate despair. We feel unworthy, unheard, desperate, lonely, and feel vast amounts of pain.
Addiction — Is it the plague of our time?
Addiction is Killing Our Children, Our Friends, Our Loved Ones…Do We Realize That it Is in Our Back Yard?
Crisis of the soul
Mental illness is not a sociopathic disease. It is a medical problem that plagues our nation. One out of ten people walk around with depression.
Improve the journey
Learn more about yourself and invest in your well-being.